Pavol Mikolaj
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How did COVID-19 change your mobility needs?

Unexpected situations are bringing unexpected opportunities. Therefore, Business Lease is responding to the current situation and has prepared a comprehensive mobility survey, which is distributed throughout the whole Slovakia.How has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the behavior of companies in terms of mobility? Help us find out in a short questionnaire, which we are delivering to companies across the whole Slovakia.Join the survey and send it further. The results will help us all to make better decisions in the current situation.As a motivation to join, we have prepared a competition - everyone who will join has a chance to get a Mini Cooper for a week with a full tank. We will evaluate results by the end of May 2020 and announce the winner.

#StaySafeContactBusiness Lease Slovakia s.r.o, Twin City Tower, Mlynské Nivy 10, 821 09, tel.: +421 2 5810 3860,

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